Friday, February 26, 2010

Easing the Pain of a Parent's Alzheimer's Diagnosis

As Elder Law Attorneys, we meet with clients on a daily basis who are on an emotional roller coaster. Life was rolling merrily along for them, then all of a sudden they received some bad news - Mom or Dad is in the hospital. After a few days, the news is worse - The Diagnosis is Alzheimer's AND Mom or Dad can't go back home - they are having to go to a nursing home. AND the kids have to select a nursing home for Mom or Dad to go to within 24 hours AND the nursing home costs $5,000 per month.

If your other parent is alive and living at home, no doubt all of this has hit them like a freight train. Will they still be able to live at home ALONE without assistance, or will they need assistance? If they do need assistance, what type will they need?

If Mom or Dad is single, some of the questions are: What do we do with the home? Will he get to return home? Should we sell the home? Where are his bank accounts? Are all bills paid? How will we pay for all of this?

We realize that when an adult child walks into our office, they are reeling from all of the above and more. This is where we try to slow down the process, take you by the hand and help!

Medicaid is the program that will pay for your parent's long term care - yes we have to get some information from you to start this process, but after that we will take the ball and run, doing everything necessary to get your parent qualified for Medicaid. This solves the financial part of the problem.

Secondly, our life care planners will meet with you and do everything possible to make sure that your parent gets the best possible care, in the least restrictive environment, without going broke.

The expense of doing all of this is not paid by you, the child, but out of your parent's spend-down - that is out of the money that they would otherwise have had to paid to the nursing home before they received Medicaid assistance.

The BEST PART is that by taking action: (1) We help your parent qualify for Medicaid sooner; (2) We help your parents preserve additional assets; (3) Our Life Care Planners work hard to make sure that your parent is receiving appropriate care.

If you are reading this, it is likely that something unexpectedly bad has happened to your parent. We can't fix that - but give us a call and we'll help to ease the pain.

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